Technical Works

Technical works are intellectual products dedicated to the categories of geography, topography, architecture, engineering and sciences.

Despite the difficult recognition of copyright, technical works are perfectly protectable, as determined by legislation and case law. 

An important factor in making the work protectable is the presence of technical originality, which may be subtle, given the fact that the margin of difference in the similarities between works is substantial and perfectly admissible due to compliance with technical norms.

Examples of technical works would include, among others, several types of engineering and architectural works, as well as database structures.

Relating to databases, it should be noted that it is not the data itself that is protected. Rather, it is the originality of the way the structure is expressed, the way the data is organized.

Before your work is presented to the public, sent to a person by e-mail or even shown to someone, it is recommended that you complete the registration process at Works Copyright. That way, your authorship will not be challenged.

Files registered through Works Copyright can be in any format you choose. By way of example, the most common are image files (photographs of the work), but it can be files of architectural blueprints, cutaways, etc.

To copyright your technical work all you need to do is complete the basic registration form on our site, purchase credits and click on the button REGISTER TECHNICAL WORK.

All it takes is a few seconds to give your work the protection it deserves.

You can access your copyright registrations whenever you wish, by simply entering your username and password in the vault on our homepage.

In case you have any doubts, please consult our F.A.Q. pages.